How to Create an Internal Nursing Talent Pipeline

Health care organizations are experiencing tremendous nursing shortages. The COVID crisis is intensifying the need for nurses and making the problem an even larger issue. Nursing candidates’ supply and demand are due to aging baby boomers, nurses reaching retirement age, and nursing education blockages. It is crucial that you create a nursing candidate pipeline to fill your nursing positions, and these strategies can help you.  

Acknowledge Fierce Competition 

The demand for nurses is high. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics hints that nursing jobs will increase at a rate of 12%. With the supply of nurses being low, the competition will be intense for the available nurses. With this level of competition, it is vital that you take steps to improve your recruiting practices. Consider offering signing and retention bonuses, loan forgiveness, and educational opportunities.  

Emphasize the Value of Your Organization 

A genuine commitment to quality is important to nurses. It is essential that you are clear with nurses regarding what you expect from them and what tools and resources you will provide. Endeavor to point out ways in which your health care organization upholds its devotion to quality nursing.  

Think Outside of the Hospital 

Nurses, especially millennial nurses, tend to want similar work situations. These ideal settings tend to be big hospitals in the city close to their family and friends. Are you recruiting for community-based care or other non-hospital locations? If you are, then you must use some creativity. Consider focusing your efforts on those nurses who seek flexibility and autonomy in administrative, consultative, and case-management roles. Seek out nursing candidates who are looking for something beyond the typical hospital environment.  

Offset Experience With Supervision 

It is no secret that nurses with clinical experience in hospital specialties are in great demand and often difficult to keep. It would help if you can find innovative recruitment solutions for your clinical leaders. Mentoring programs and experienced preceptors are a great help for bringing in new nurses who lack clinical experience.  

Partner With Nursing Schools 

Nursing schools turn away many qualified candidates due to not enough faculty, classrooms, clinical programs, and money. You can use this information to strengthen your organization’s recruitment pipeline. By partnering with nursing schools, you can reduce blockages in nursing education.  

Focus on Retention 

Retaining nurses should always be an essential consideration. To keep nurses, make it a priority to treat your nursing staff as partners. Give your nurses a say in how your organization runs and treat your team as partners. When you realize your organization’s retention strengths, you can include them in your nurses’ recruitment process.  

Highlight Professional Development 

Many nurses are searching for resources to help them advance their professional careers. These resources can be mentoring, education, training, and membership in professional organizations. It is crucial that you emphasize your organization’s career resources early in the interviewing process with nursing candidates.  

We Can Help You Create an Internal Nursing Talent Pipeline

Nursing is one of the most difficult positions to fill in health care. The competition for nurses is fierce. It is vital that you acknowledge the shortage, emphasize your organization’s value, and make retaining nurses a priority. If you need help retaining your nurses and decreasing turnover, check out how Nursing Career Coach can help your institution.  

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