Nurse Retention

How to Identify Vicarious Trauma in Your Nurses

Relationships between your nurses and their patients are often close and personal. This immediacy often exposes staff members to the stress and trauma that their…

How to Create an Internal Nursing Talent Pipeline

Health care organizations are experiencing tremendous nursing shortages. The COVID crisis is intensifying the need for nurses and making the problem an even larger issue. Nursing…

How to Create a Mental Health Policy for Your Nurses

Nurses are providing life-saving care for those affected with COVID-19. The psychological stress for nurses and other healthcare professionals who are at the forefront of…

How to Support Nursing Staff With Mental Health Resources

Nursing is a challenging profession. This fast-paced career often consists of working short-staffed, pulling long hours, enduring verbal abuse, and hearing the non-stop clamoring of…

5 Reasons More One-on-One Time With Nurses Improves Retention

In the healthcare industry, there are more nurses than any other profession. Currently, there are approximately 3.9 million nurses with a projected need of one million more. Shortages…

Crisis After COVID: How to Prepare for Nurse Turnover

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented national emergency, and as this virus continues to spread, many nurses will leave the profession. As a healthcare leader, you will want to…

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